Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Mobile Casino Cat

Meow casino catWho do so many people who own pet cats also like to play real money online casino games? Perhaps there is a relationship. Could these cat owners know something that we do not? There is one theory that sounds plausible. Playing casino games anywhere tends to elevate a player’s heart rate as money can be won or lost on every spin, roll, or deal. When a person’s heart rate is elevated, they tend to lose focus. Yet concentration is extremely important to maximize your chances of winning at casino games. There are various methods to calming your pulse so that you can remain in control. These range from taking a walking break to listening to music to adjusting the lighting in the room. One very effective way of bringing back a sense of calm is by petting a pet cat. There is something about the soft touch, the repetitive movement, even the docent tones of the cat’s happy purring that slow the heart rate down and tend to balance the effects of exciting outside stimuli. So that is why there seem to be so many cat owners who play real money games online. After all, you can’t bring a pet into a land-based casino. They do not allow any pets, except maybe seeing eye dogs (and those are not really pets, they have a job to do.) It is one more advantage of playing online as opposed to a brinks and mortar casino that prevents you from petting your cat.

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