Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Great Cats Be Funny Website and cat pics

cat in Karate pose
Today was a sick day from work because I was feeling under the weather. And you know what I was able to do all day? Now, my boss might not appreciate this, but he’ll get over it. I curled up under my covers with my kitten right next to me and I relished in playing online casino games all day long. Sometimes I slept, and in between those times I played roulette, slots, poker, blackjack and many other great games that I wanted to enjoy. I wasn’t feeling well and I was low energy so there were only so many things that I was going to want to do today. But the online casino games managed to serve as a pick-me-up and to make me feel better when I was feverish and feeling bad. And one of the other things that make these online casino games awesome is that I don’t have to commit to playing for a long time. Just a few minutes of the games allows me to enjoy myself and to take my mind off of how I’m feeling. And that is an awesome thing when I need that type of escape and enjoyment.